Kansas Sports Betting Bill Quickly Bounces Back, Heads To Senate

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Kansas sports betting

Kansas sports betting is back in the hands of the Senate after the House quickly approved a new conference committee report Thursday.

The second conference committee on SB 84 met Thursday morning to iron out a few details following a Senate rejection of the initial agreement. The bill was on the House floor hours later and passed by a 73-49 vote.

Now, legalizing Kansas sportsbooks again falls on the shoulders of the Senate, albeit likely a much friendlier body with a clean bill approved.

What changed in Kansas sports betting conference?

Thursday’s conference committee was the second for SB 84. Changes made after the first meeting made the second one necessary.

The House inserted language that would send 80% of taxes from sports betting revenue into a fund to attract professional teams to Kansas before approving the amended bill. That came before a three-week break in the session, though, and the Senate did not agree to certain changes Wednesday night, prompting another meeting.

The fund to attract pro teams survived the conference committee but its overseer changed, House committee member Rep. John Barker explained to the chamber. It is now the Secretary of Commerce and not the state finance council that will oversee the fund.

No other major changes

There were two other minor tweaks to SB 84. The conference also resulted in removal of a provision requiring repayment of certain fees to race tracks that Barker said was likely unenforceable, as well as a provision that would create the repayment fund for facility manager license fees.

Every other key component of the bill remained the same: