Analysis: Alternative Data Illuminates Who, Where Of US Online Gambling Spend

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US online gambling

key takeaways

  • Millennials are by far the largest demographic group, accounting for around 60% of all players and money spent on online gaming. Gen X customers are meanwhile the most valuable to operators, on average.
  • PrizePicks ability to draw from the pool of younger players sets it apart from traditional online gambling products, as does its outsized presence in the sparsely regulated southern region.
  • Spending panel data mirrors official reporting for online gambling revenue, highlighting the size of FanDuel’s lead over DraftKings and the rest of the market.

In any given month, hundreds of millions of dollars flow through the financial institutions that facilitate legal online gambling in the US.

Online sports betting sites alone generated $11 billion in operator revenue from $120 billion in wagers last year, with online casinos adding another $7 billion to the industry’s bottom line. Just about every dollar can be accounted for through official agency reporting.

Consumer-level data is extremely limited, however, with most states not reporting the number of customers or individual wagers that contribute to the monthly totals. This lack of granular data paints a fuzzy picture of the origins of this money.

Alternative data is a useful tool for unraveling these types of problems, and a consumer spending panel compiled by Facteus helps shed light on the specifics of online gambling spend. The data set includes incoming bank transactions for four of the largest US online operators — BetMGM, DraftKings, FanDuel, and PrizePicks — covering the period from January 2022 through the end of this past March.

(Methodology is available at the bottom of this article.)

No surprise: FanDuel dominates online gambling spend

The dominance of FanDuel is evident across the entire data set.

The national leader generates the highest monthly spend from the largest customer base, responsible for about half of the totals in every category. Over the past 12 months, FanDuel accounted for 50% of the total spend, from 49% of all customers included in the report.

DraftKings trails in second place, having lost considerable ground to FanDuel in recent months. It generated 25% of the reported spend from a 25% share of the customer pool across the same period, and both of those numbers are trending slightly downward.

BetMGM, the country’s third-largest online gambling brand, is farther off the pace. It accounted for 18% of the spend from 13% of the customers in the report. That is a silver lining, with the highest average spend among these brands.

Visualizing pole position in the market

April 2022Customers1017423422731027986
April 2023Customers114742516293230127928
August 2022Customers564272830025728
August 2023Customers74027407892587112460
December 2022Customers1199295598637171
December 2023Customers154386787283225744044
February 2022Customers1078724381634058670
February 2023Customers137513656454001315
February 2024Customers165685855563907251773
January 2022Customers935864515728485614
January 2023Customers1558707448344429
January 2024Customers159356827143847046601
July 2022Customers547432514424528
July 2023Customers70484385132618713843
June 2022Customers804852972826599427
June 2023Customers89229416712792822540
March 2022Customers1045453678634969799
March 2023Customers119442537173691422157
March 2024Customers178630851144328848426
May 2022Customers8898532643289561085
May 2023Customers114703489572970031243
November 2022Customers1192005604537171
November 2023Customers149215765723294338759
October 2022Customers1166435648635614
October 2023Customers141200761733577030215
September 2022Customers995425952934587
September 2023Customers123399731413372823730
April 2022Spend ($)28274481721973617687053190322.9
April 2023Spend ($)3350579516572445163196695634613
August 2022Spend ($)16792036930718817428932
August 2023Spend ($)2605788016111150131765842726108
December 2022Spend ($)322408601693103916978369
December 2023Spend ($)5839544126838793148831607272562
February 2022Spend ($)2677367879696521423291995739.14
February 2023Spend ($)4044225821469416195608211714
February 2024Spend ($)6188503332504751187066868241316
January 2022Spend ($)2339739170582941355485998564.71
January 2023Spend ($)406723961930853221826523
January 2024Spend ($)5160183126706868154747177143082
July 2022Spend ($)16521107726258915158146
July 2023Spend ($)2388329614103360144697393461245
June 2022Spend ($)1871660575292471532396245641.14
June 2023Spend ($)2564208513596750127186763980390
March 2022Spend ($)33949824859291222578387122428.7
March 2023Spend ($)4622083624166469245040184007518
March 2024Spend ($)6227432227594170185323547154828
May 2022Spend ($)22231486647133717827717143181.6
May 2023Spend ($)3151936016039049149090976016151
November 2022Spend ($)321464211525747918143170
November 2023Spend ($)5508223623826494147447786122041
October 2022Spend ($)332801211553586518052748
October 2023Spend ($)4341290322702873159338364657623
September 2022Spend ($)242971311374995516878374
September 2023Spend ($)3563421120317533134665313911551

These numbers generally mirror US sports betting revenue reports and data from other forms of online gambling published through official channels at the state level.

Generation, geographic gap in online gambling

Demographics are an especially insightful inclusion in the Facteus data, since age information is not part of any official reporting. Numbers are grouped into four generational buckets with these approximate age ranges:

Context clues suggest Millennials are the key demographic for online gaming operators, and the data from Facteus helps put some hard numbers to that notion.

Drilling into demographics of US online gambling spend

Millennials are by far the largest segment of online gamblers, in fact, and the most significant contributor for each of the four operators individually. The group represented 59% of all customers and 61% of the total spend recorded during the past year to lead both categories.

BrandMeasurementGen ZMillennialGen XBaby Boomer
FanDuelSpend ($ in thousands)8813261416728727
DraftKingsSpend ($ in thousands)3473135084014414
BetMGMSpend ($ in thousands)109586915038455
PrizePicksSpend ($ in thousands)1977312140920
FanDuelPer-Customer Spend ($)297345333328
DraftKingsPer-Customer Spend ($)297349308271
BetMGMPer-Customer Spend ($)281452553508
PrizePicksPer-Customer Spend ($)164175158115

Millennial participation is volatile, though, collectively exhibiting the largest seasonal swings in activity of any age group.

Perhaps the most eye-opening revelation from the data centers on the disparity in scale between the youngest and oldest age groups. Over the past year, the monthly count of Gen Z customers in the data set averaged 57,348 compared to 4,809 Baby Boomers. The latter outspent their younger counterparts on average, however: $336 to $268 per month across that span.

Gen X, the third-largest group of customers, produced the highest monthly average spend of $360 apiece across all operators.

PrizePicks skews younger, with less spend

Numbers for PrizePicks are unique within the data set. Whether its product is more like sports betting or more like fantasy sports depends on your perspective, and it is the subject of ongoing disagreement between operators and policymakers.

Whatever the label, the format is exceedingly popular with young customers. Gen Z represents 37% of PrizePicks’ player base, almost twice the field average of 20%. PrizePicks regularly outdraws BetMGM across both of the two youngest generations, even overtaking DraftKings among the Gen Z segment for the last four months running.

Overall, PrizePicks accounted for 13% of the total customers and 6.5% of the recorded spend over the past year.

Regional data paints PrizePicks as an outlier too

Perhaps most pertinent to the larger discussion is PrizePicks’ heavy reliance on the South, with a particular focus on Florida and Texas. Look at the geography of its operation compared to the competition:

BrandMeasurementGen ZMillennialGen XBaby Boomer
FanDuelSpend ($ in thousands)8813261416728727
DraftKingsSpend ($ in thousands)3473135084014414
BetMGMSpend ($ in thousands)109586915038455
PrizePicksSpend ($ in thousands)1977312140920
FanDuelPer-Customer Spend ($)297345333328
DraftKingsPer-Customer Spend ($)297349308271
BetMGMPer-Customer Spend ($)281452553508
PrizePicksPer-Customer Spend ($)164175158115

Florida recently ordered PrizePicks to stop offering against-the-house contests to local customers, a move which could have a significant impact on its overall performance going forward.

Geographical breakdowns for the other brands, meanwhile, reflect the map of legalization for sports betting and US online casino gambling more directly. All three rely on the densely regulated Midwest and Northeast, with their sports products complemented by online casinos in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

The West remains relatively untapped, and the absence of California from the regulated marketplace is especially evident in the chart above. Fantasy sports (including PrizePicks) and horse betting remain the only forms of online gambling permitted in the state.

About Facteus data set

Spending panels fall into the category of ‘alternative data’ alongside measures like app usage statistics, social media analytics, location tracking, satellite imagery, and other information gleaned from secondary sources. Alternative data allows gambling analysts and investors to fill in some of the gaps in the ‘primary data’ that originates with the operators and regulators themselves.

Panels from Facteus capture all banking transactions for the four operators, so totals include sports betting, online casino, fantasy sports, and horse betting products as relevant to each. While the financial data is well-correlated with official reporting, these numbers should be viewed as comparative directional indicators rather than measurements of absolute performance.

For the most recent month of data in March 2024, the report includes more than $115 million in associated transactions from about 355,000 customers nationwide.

Photo by Shutterstock/Wako Megumi